Empty Windows Apps Store Shortcuts and  ICONS on Taskbar

I have problem with Windows Apps store icons and shortcuts 

this is ONLY happen to windows apps store and not for all icons and shortcuts  . when i pin any modern app to taskbar it appears EMPTY SHORTCUT ON TASKBAR . I tried several fixes but not solved 

the problem began when my pc was infected with malwares i cleaned it and restart the pc 

after cleaning the pc the problem started. Problem in pinning any Windows Apps store to Taskbar.

i am using tweaking software for cleaning and free up the pc.  the software fixed the problem temporarily , but when i restart the pc the problem back again .

until now i think its problem in Permissions and security or problem in windows local policy , but i don't know where is the solution and how?

The main problem is : Empty Windows Apps Store Icons and Shortcuts when they pinned to Taskbar.
Any Suggestion???

  • Edited by SAM-AA Monday, August 10, 2015 11:32 AM
August 10th, 2015 11:23am

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